”Sodium-the Real Problem”
Because Sodium is linked to so many diseases.... Safety dictates that you begin reading all labels before buying packaged foods. Avoid foods with more than 150 mg of Sodium/serving. Try using sage, thyme, garlic and other tasty spices in cooking...while dropping the "Salt Shaker" in the garbage!!
But did you know "Sodium"kills you cells!! "
Salt Bursts Cells"
Eliminate as much Salt as you can from your diet and you will live to be 100...barring no bad accidents!!
”Sleep Better at Night!”Take 400mg of Calcium and 500mg of Magnesium before sleep.
All people fall asleep faster stay sleeping longer with a more restful night. These minerals work to relax muscles and nerves. Within 3 nights your sleep can improve to the way you are supposed to rest!!
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Menus and recipes start with inventing your own wonderful meals. If you can dream up your own great recipes there no meal you can't enjoy.
I generally take anything left over in the refrig and make a delicious meal or snack out of it. Like these 3 recipes. I had eggs. And as long as one has eggs she has a meal.
3 florets of cauliflower (pre-cooked mashed) 1/4 c. chopped onions 4 green olives sliced 1/2 c. spicy cheese (shredded) 2 Tbsp olive oil 2 cloves fresh garlic (chopped finely) In a frying pan heat oil and brown onions and garlic. After the stir is browned add the olives. Heat the cauliflower and olives for about 2 minutes then add whipped eggs. Cook and brown on one side and flip the mixture over. After a minute of cooking, sprinkle cheese over the top of the omelet. Cover the frying pan and switch off the heat. Let the cheese melt for 2 or 3 minutes.
2 teas bags of Black Teas 1 Tbsp of All Fruit Raspberry jelly (no whole raspberries) add boil water to tea cup after tea bags have been in the boiling water for under a minute. After about 3 minutes of steeping. Add milk or cream of you like. Add more jelly if you like your tea sweet. You can use any flavor jelly. To me strawberry tea is the most flavorful. The jelly is much better than sugar and flavors the tea with a great raspberry flavor.
mOf menus and Recipes this one is the most awesome... now only if I can remember my own concoction: 1 Head of Cauliflower (pre-cooked and mashed roughly) 1 1/2 Tbsp of flour 4 beat eggs 2 C. Milk 4 C. Cheddar cheese and spicy cheese 1/2 C. chopped onions 3 cloves garlic 2 Tbsp butter Bread Crumbs pepper In a buttered skillet brown garlic and onions. Add milk and flour and keep the heat of the burner low. Mix these ingredients for about a minute. Now add the eggs and cook for another minute and add the cheese both kinds. Make sure nothing burns in the skillet, so you must keep stirring until the cheese has melted. Then pour the sauce over the mashed cauliflower which is by now in a casserole dish. Sprinkle bread crumbs on the top and let them brown. Mix the ingredients well. Pre- heat the oven to 350 degree and bake for 45 minutes. Just keep an eye the hot dish after the half hour has passed. It makes 8 large servings. It's a great dish. Menus and Recipes by DL Grace pMed; BSM; ASEMT