Fat Slap News....
”Health…Reach”Did you know.... Apple Cider Vinegar added to a warm bath will invigorated your fatigued body!! Pour ACV over your shoulder and chest. Vinegar also restores the Natural germ-killing acidityof your skin..... Which when bathing is washed away!!
”Sodium-the Real Problem”
Because Sodium is linked to so many diseases.... Safety dictates that you begin reading all labels before buying packaged foods. Avoid foods with more than 150 mg of Sodium/serving. Try using sage, thyme, garlic and other tasty spices in cooking...while dropping the "Salt Shaker" in the garbage!!
But did you know "Sodium"kills you cells!! "
Salt Bursts Cells"
Eliminate as much Salt as you can from your diet and you will live to be 100...barring no bad accidents!!
Email me: Contact Us MAGNESIUM, Amplifies Health and Minimizes Diabetes!!![]() A link exists between low magnesium levels in the body and diabetes. While the benefits of supplementation on the heart have been known for years, scientist are still wondering how the mineral improves insulin sensitivity (resistance). Insulin resistance is your body not cooperating with the necessary uptake of glucose into the cells. Each cell has receptors for the purpose of allowing glucose to flow. Should cells have not enough receptors, hence low sugar inside the cell and high sugar remaining in the blood.
It protects against high blood pressure. A diet rich in this important mineral, grains, fruits, and vegetables reduced the onset of developing type 2 diabetes. In a group of 36,000 women done by Meyer Co. a major hypertension reduction was experienced in diabetic patients with blood pressure issues when they were receiving optimum amounts of this wonderful mineral. The dietary sodium was replaced with magnesium and potassium which helped lower high blood pressure. Two essentials in any diet diabetic or not! Of course we all know sodium is important as well, just in smaller portions. A study done in Buffalo, New York showed levels of minerals were considerably low in certain ethnic groups such as African Americans. Hypomagnesaemia (low magnesium levels) is a whopping 20% among Black Americans which could be an indicator of the entire nationwide population. ![]() National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine estimate 50% to 85% of the population of the United States have inadequate magnesium consumption. How difficult is it to take a tablet once or twice a day? Especially if consuming it can eliminate diabetes or at least slow the disease down. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for this mineral for men is around 400 mg for women about 300 mg. Green vegetables such as spinach are good sources, it's the "green" chlorophyll that has all the vitamin and minerals. Beans, peas, nuts, seeds, unrefined whole grains are also full of magnesium. Believe it or not Halibut (fish) has the highs amount of magnesium per serving at 90 mg. Almonds is second with 80 mg. Oatmeal has 55 mg per serving. Heck, these are food readily available in any supermarket!! Even peanuts and peanut butter have 50 mg per serving, and plain yogurt had 45 mg/serving. Chocolate milk has 33 mg, watch out for the sugar content, almost as bad as candy!! Refined grains are generally low in magnesium; white flour is processed, fully removing magnesium and all other minerals and vitamins. Bread made from whole grain wheat flour provides mountains more than white refined-flour bread. ![]() Diet is linked to foods, in turn foods are linked to vitamins and minerals... ...if you cannot see how diet plays a role in every part of your life you are destine to die young or live with illness. Not a pretty picture!! Get smart and start thinking before you put it in your mouth!! DL Grace pMed; BSM; ASEMT
1. Halibut, cooked, 3 ounces 90mg 2. Almonds, dry roasted, 1 ounce 80mg 3. Cashews, dry roasted, 1 ounce 75mg 4. Soybeans, mature, cooked, ½ cup 75mg 5. Spinach, frozen, cooked, ½ cup 75mg 6. Nuts, mixed, dry roasted, 1 ounce 65mg 7. Cereal, shredded wheat, 2 rectangular biscuits 55mg 8. Oatmeal, instant, fortified, prepared w/ water, 1 cup 55mg 9. Potato, baked w/ skin, 1 medium 50mg 10.Peanuts, dry roasted, 1 ounce 50mg 11.Peanut butter, smooth, 2 Tablespoons 50mg 12.Wheat Bran, crude, 2 Tablespoons 45mg 13.Blackeyed Peas, cooked, ½ cup 45mg 14.Yogurt, plain, skim milk, 8 fluid ounces 45mg 15.Bran Flakes, ½ cup 40mg
Easy Ways to Lose Weight-Obesity Easy Exercise-Diabetic Diet Diabetes Calcium Causes of Obesity-Magnesium Contact Us