Ways to Lose Weight  without Sagging Skin

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Benefits of Walking

So what are the benefits of walking? It's one of the easiest ways to lose weight.

Your legs are leaner, your butt is tighter, and that belly is much flatter just from walking for 30 minutes daily for at least 4 days a week.

Other benefits of walking you can't see from the outside.

It improves your cholesterol count increasing the levels of good HDL's.

In turn walking lowers your risk of major diseases such as heart attacks.

Walking is wonderful for your brain, as you age the mass of your brain shrink naturally.

Studies done recently have uncovered the fact that if you are willing to walk 6 miles per week you can keep your brain in fine shape without shrinkage.

it of course protects your bones from fractures which happen quite frequently in older women if they don't have regular exercise.

And we must not forget blood sugar.

A 2011 study done in the UK revealed that walking reduces insulin resistance which is the condition that leads to type 2 diabetes.

Losing weight is the benefit of walking.

So is happiness, one of the quickest, drug free ways to dispel depression is get outside and walk.

It cost nothing but maybe a good pair of walking shoes.

Fast Ways to Lose Weight


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